Aggressive Legal Representation
After more than 18 years practicing in mid-Missouri, Attorney Gillis C. Leonard knows more than just the law. In addition to thorough knowledge of traffic, family, and criminal law, Leonard also knows the texture of the courts. He’s friends with the judges, the bailiffs, and even the stenographers. By maintaining relationships with court personnel, it becomes that much easier to understand how they’ll interpret the law – and therefore, it becomes easier to mount a successful defense and win cases.
Our Clients Experiences
“Phasellus iaculis ex id neque ornare porttitor. Suspendisse elementum, nulla at fringilla dignissim, nulla ipsum imperdiet nibh, quis lobortis velit ex facilisis velit. Sed dignissim magna vehicula justo consectetur, a egestas enim bibendum. Morbi non magna at tellus aliquet mattis ac in sem. Vivamus lectus leo, pulvinar in pulvinar in, aliquam sed felis.”
- Testimonial 1
Get a Legal Consultation
Gillis C. Leonard Attorney at Law
541 Coates Street, Suite 100
Moberly, MO 65270
Office Hours
Monday – Friday: 8:00AM – 5:00PM
Weekends & After-Hours: By Appointment Only